

Hoang aka. SubkoØne, 
born and raised in Chemnitz (GER), is the founder/CEO of SubØhm & resident at transit club Chemnitz. His beginnings as a DJ were rooted by the end of 2016. Right from the start, he enjoyed a quick and blooming start as a newcomer and was able to get a lot of insights into the scene in his first two years. In 2019, he created SubØhm & started his first events under this name. His intention was to support the clubbing scene in Chemnitz by  cooperating with other labels, collectives & clubs. After the big unexpected CoVid-Break from 2020 – 2022, SubØhm had a great start again with events & the first various artists release called „SUBØHMVA001“ which has etablished the simple name SubØhm into a music label. 
SubkoØne’s sound is shaped by years of endless love to music and combinations of many genres. He’s always been interested in unique sounds – no matter which genre. He describes his sounds as hard & pushing, trippy, industrial & open for surprises that are in touch with trance & melodic elements. His sets tell a story, so that the crowd never gets bored: Ups to be in ecstasy, downs to open hearts & breaks to exhale. His sound has been shaped by famous labels like Mama told ya, Taapion, Maison Close and many more.



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