
Croatian Amor

Loke Rahbek’s Croatian Amor project realises a distinct and brilliant intimacy about the bracing pace and chronicles of the contemporary world.

Hailing from Copenhagen, Rahbek operates the label Posh Isolation, a place of incubation for many artists from across Scandinavian experimental music, including many of his own collaborators. As Croatian Amor, Rahbek’s most crucial and imaginative account is laid bare, and it is all the richer for the many groups and projects that have come to be the focus of his furious rate of work. Often using a mesh of real events and places as a platform for a largely dreamlike play, Croatian Amor toys with melancholic themes that evocatively blend fiction and reality.

Composing with pop artefacts of the circuits that interlace our lives, emotion is threaded through the flux of virtual communication and kaleidoscopic lusts to reveal a new romantic horizon. Sometimes speaking in loneliness, though often telling of trysts, Croatian Amor enliveningly presents a longing for indeterminate sensation. Employing a medley of diffuse experimental traditions, fantastical synthetic worlds are evoked in cinematic breadth to make this world just a little more habitable.


21.10.2018 | Residenzschloss der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen: Encounter Scenes



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