
Session Victim

Session Victim are one of Germanys most prolific and accomplished house music production duos today. As composers, Hauke Freer and Matthias Reiling have been building an unmatched body of work over the last decade, most notably three genre defining triple LPs on the british dance music connoisseur label Delusions of Grandeur, a highly acclaimed downbeat concept album for the beloved Late Night Tales/Night Time Stories record company as well as more than twenty EPs on vinyl only imprints like Retreat, XK or Pen & Paper and most recently Toytonics and Rhythm Section.

Add their impressive remix catalogue for artists such as Kink, Midnight Magic, Folamour or Khruangbin and you’ll be hard pressed to find a contemporary record collection with no Session Victim in it at all. Talking wax, it is the pair’s obsession with vinyl that had been the initial spark in friendship over two decades ago: Djing is and always has been then the main pillar in Hauke’s and Matthias’ musical relationship. It is a joy to watch Session Victim working the turntables together – and if it’s not their turn to spin records, chances are you find them just on the other side of the booth, dancing and cheering on the DJ themselves.

As for their infamous live show, there’s simply nothing quite like it out there, literally. Where other producers show off their most valuable synthesizers and complex modular patches, you’ll find Session Victim beating the heck out of their cheap usb controllers, a half dead 707 and a road worn bass guitar, while the people left and right from you might feel reminded of Nick Holder, Armand Van Helden, The Clash or Fugazi at the very same time. There’s a devotion and passion about the self proclaimed Two Man House Band and their quest for getting themselves and everyone else into “the zone” that is in fact as exciting as it is rarely seen today.



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