
Evil Medvěd

Evil Medvěd is the project of Prague-based Faolán McGowan. His live sets are loaded with energy, chaotic and intricate, but playful, tender and personal at the same time. They first developed an interest in the modular way of thinking and making music through Bastl Instruments. Their approach is both an exploration and excavation of sounds from the analog system. He began to play live in 2018 and released his debut record in 2019 on the Prague label RedforColourBlind.
His live sets are only a part of his practice. He often holds workshops at Synth Library Prague, a feminist institution committed to the opening access to music technology as well as presenting a platform for critical thinking. Their work with Trigger collective focuses on mutual care, community-led organising with an aim to support Women* incl/and trans* people in the Prague music scene.

In Kooperation mit SHAPE – Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe und Kofinanzert durch das Programm »Creative Europe« der Europäischen Union. Evil Medvěd ist SHAPE Artist 2021.

Übersicht Artists

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